Should education be free?

Asked in Education by a contributor
edited by Instigator
3 Yes Takes
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Education absolutely must be free in any modern and civilized nation. To put a price tag on such a fundamental thing is an enormous step on the path to an oligarchy, where only a small minority of people possess every bit of power and privilege available. An uneducated lower class is an easily-exploitable lower class, one that may not even realize that it is being exploited!

It's to the betterment of society and keeping the idea of social mobility alive that even the poorest people have access to at least the first step in bettering themselves. Taken to its extreme, making post-secondary education free would result in a dramatic increase in college graduation rates. Many drop-outs report that the stress of studying, working to support themselves, and having student loans looming over them all at once was a major factor in their decision to abandon their college careers.
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Our society needs to do everything it can to create a productive workforce. It is in our nation's best interests to make this possible by providing free education to our children. Some of our brightest scholars come from poor and underprivileged families. They would never get the chance to make such important contributions to our society without the chance to go to school and then earn a scholarship.
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Is it Legal to Own a fennec fox/Can i Keep a fennec fox as a pet? Absolutely Yes, Although not commonly practiced as compared to other house hold pets. Vulpes zerda is more commonly referred to as the fennec fox. Fennec foxes are 2-3 lb. canines with ears as large as 6 inches in length from Africa. Fennec foxes can make great pets since they can be easily trained to use a litter box and are fed an accessible high-quality dog or cat food, such as the Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet.

Home of the Best and Well Trained Baby Fennec Fox Pets for Sale. Adopt a Baby Fennec Fox Today!
Registered Fennec Fox Kit as Pets
welcome to our website for Fennec Foxes for Sale. A family-run farm, we have extensive experience in breeding fennec foxes.
We are one of the best fennec fox breeders ,we also provide new homes for our baby fennec fox.
Though not very common, Registered Fennec fox kit can be kept as pets. They are petite, save for their enormous ears.
Fennec foxes behave much like dogs.

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2 No Takes
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Privatizing education is the answer. Public schools are doing a horrible job of educating our youth. The quality of education in our private schools is high because they will lose students and go out of business if they don't maintain that quality. Schools should be competing for students in a free market system the way other businesses compete for customers. If they don't provide a quality product they go out of business. Survival of the fittest.
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Education was originally suppose to be free. So yes it should be. Why pay up the but if we can all work hard and all succeed. Going to school helps you understand subjects that are really important and can be beneficial. If education was free, it would help those who already work and go to college. The only thing people would have to worry about is keeping their grades up and food. The tuition is increasing, books are getting expensive, and classes are harder. Why should people who want to go good in their life pay for schooling? Applying to get into a dental school is $100 and when you don't get in you just wasted $100. 400 applicants every year... $100 per application... only 24 get in. That is $37,600 away by rejected students to the dental school. In total, they receive $40,000. Think about that.

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