Should smoking be banned?

Asked in Health by Jondo
edited by Instigator
1 Yes Take
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Of course smoking causes diseases like lung cancer in smokers. But the second-hand smoke causes so many health problems in innocent non-smokers. It's just so incredibly addictive and so difficult to quit we need to find a way to ban them. It will benefit all the children who will needlessly become addicted in the coming years.
Smoking definitely causes health problems, but tobacco products can't be banned outright. Probition proved that certain vices cannot be prohibited without creating other problems that are worse than those created by smoking. The best we can do is ban it from as many public places as we can. The rest is up to the individual.
3 No Takes
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Can you imagine how the government would function without the HUGE taxes they bring in from cigarettes? No doubt it's harmful to people around them but non-smoking areas are everywhere these days. If smokers want the health problems that come along with it that's their choice. It helps them concentrate and be more relaxed. The last thing we need is 50,000,000 stressed-out people on the rampage.
Written by Rhonda P
edited by Instigator
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Maybe it's a good idea in theory but it could never happen. People have to have their smokes. They would find a way to smoke and are we going to throw them all in jail for it? What a waste of our time and tax money focusing on such a trivial offense. Are we going to ban fast food, soda and alcohol too? Not everything in society is nice, clean and healthy. How boring would life be if it was?
Written by a contributor
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Alcohol, guns and cars kill people just like smoking. Are we going to ban them too? This isn't communist Russia. We are a country built on freedoms. Sometimes I feel like we're a society of crybabies. If you're against cigarettes find ways to support making them healthier and less toxic to bystanders. But they ain't going away anytime soon.
Written by a contributor

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