Yeah, Corrections Corp. of America bungled the privatization of that Ohio prison back in 2011 but they're learning from their mistakes and beefing up staff and the number of CO's. The new owners lobby for stricter immigration laws which is what we need in this country with so many people crossing the border and being a drag on our economy.
The government is lazy and couldn't care less about running a tight ship and cutting out unnecessary expenditures on these jails. The private sector will keep their eye on the ball with these, keeping a close eye on expenses and eliminate the unneeded employees that are sitting on their asses, sell off excess space, and maximize the space they have so taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for this waste and have more money to spend on their families. When criminals see how the prisons are being reformed and the population increase within them that should be a wake-up call and deterrent to them so that they learn to stay out of trouble and be more productive members of society. Time to shape up or ship out!