Should mankind play God?

Asked in Philosophy by a contributor
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Mankind should not play God. Society takes entirely too many liberties these days. We silently allow our government to decide the value of another person's life. Science and medicine are developing ways to clone and genetically engineer every living organism on Earth. Man has an insatiable desire for money and control. These actions are causing a serious blur of the line dividing right and wrong. We are just burying our heads in the sand if we believe there will be no repercussions from this behavior. There is nothing wrong with growth and progress but many times we are just crossing the line.
Written by a contributor
Another question altogether is whether the phrase "playing God" is a meaningless cliche in itself. Does surgery to remedy disfigurements or taking aspirin when you have a fever amount to "playing God?"

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Damn straight! Live it up or give it up homies!!!